Monday, January 21, 2013

Top 100 Tools for Learning 2012 6th Annual Survey

Top 100 Tools for Learning 2012 Presentation Transcript Compiled by Jane Hart from the votes of 500+ learning professionals worldwide Centre for Learning & Performance Technologies (C4LPT)

 What is a learning tool? Any tool that you could use to create or deliver learning content/solutions for others, or a tool you use for your own personal learning.The Top 100 Tools for Learning 2012 has been compiled from the votes of582 learning professionals worldwide (55% working in education and 45%in non-educational organizations).Each tool is listed on a separate slide which provides: A brief description including cost, availability, link and summary of change from last year A list of rankings in previous surveys A quick view of where/how it is mainly being used, i.e. for Pers (personal/professional use), Edu (educational use), Ent (internal enterprise use). NOTE: absence of a tick in a box does not mean the tool is not, cannot nor should not be used in that way, rather that from an analysis of the contributions to the list that is where it is currently commonly being used.
Top 100 Tools WebsiteVisit the site for more information about the 100 Tools ClubCome and join the Club to find out more about how to use theworld’s most popular tools as a personal tool, as well as ineducation and the Contact Jane Hart, for advice and support on tools for learning, collaboration and performance on Twitter as @C4LPT

1. Twitter 1 Previous rankings An online social networking and micro- blogging service that enables its users 2011: 1 to send and receive text-based 2010: 1 messages (tweets) of up to 140 2009: 1 characters. 2008: 11 Twitter retains its #1 position for the 4th year running. 2007: 43 Pers ✔ Cost: Free Available: Online Edu
2.  YouTube 2 Previous rankings 2011: 2A video-sharing site where users can 2010: 2upload, view and share videos. 2009: 3Retains its #2 position for the 3rd year 2008: 18running. 2007: 22Cost: Free Pers ✔Available: Online Edu ✔ Ent  
3. Google Docs/Drive 3 Previous rankings 2011: 3Google Docs is a free web-based word 2010: 3processing, spreadsheet, presentation, 2009: 5form and data storage service fromGoogle. Now referred to as Google 2008: 7Drive. 2007: 14Retains its #3 position for the 3rd yearrunning. Pers ✔Cost: Free Edu ✔Available: Online Ent (✔)
4.  Google Search  11 4 Previous rankingsGoogle Search is a web search engine. 2011: 15It is often described as the only 2010: 11e-learning tool you’ll ever need. 2009: 8Back again in the Top 5. 2008: 6 2007: 3Cost: FreeAvailable: Online Pers ✔ Edu Ent 5.. Wordpress 5 Previous rankings is free, web-based 2011: 5 blogging software. is free open source software that can be 2010: 8 downloaded and used to build a 2009: 6 website or blog. 2008:
5 Wordpress has been the most popular 2007: 6= blogging tool since the survey began. Pers ✔ Cost: Free Edu ✔ Available: Online/Download Ent ✔  
6. Dropbox 6 Previous rankings 2011: 6A free file hosting service that offers 2010: 13cloud storage, file synchronization, and 2009: 71=client software. 2008: -Dropbox maintains its strong ranking in 2007: -the top 10 for the 2nd year running. Pers ✔Cost: Free and premiumversions Edu ✔Available: Online/Download Ent ✔
10. Skype 3 7 Previous rankings 2011: 4An application that allows users to 2010: 6make text and voice calls over the 2009: 11=Internet. 2008: 4Skype continues to hold a strong 2007: 3position in the top 10, with only oneyear outside it. Pers ✔Cost: Free plus premium service Edu ✔Available: Download client Ent (✔)
11. PowerPoint  11 8 Previous rankings 2011: 19A presentation programme and part of 2010: 21the Microsoft Office suite. 2009: 13PowerPoint is back again in the top 10 2008: 8of the list. 2007: 5Cost: Commercial Pers ✔Available: Download Edu ✔ Ent ✔
12. Facebook 5 9 Previous rankings 2011: 14The largest public social networking 2010: 9site that lets you to make connections, 2009: 31=share interests, and join groups. 2008: 24Back again in the Top 10 list. 2007: 17=Cost: Free Pers ✔Available: Online Edu ✔ Ent
13. Wikipedia 1 10 Previous rankings 2011: 11A free online encyclopaedia that you 2010: 16can edit and contribute to. 2009: 17Appears in the top 10 for the first time 2008: 13in 6 years. 2007: 26=Cost: Free Pers ✔Available: Online Edu (✔) Ent
14. Moodle 3 11 Previous rankings 2011: 8A free open source course/learning 2010: 10management system. Easy to install 2009: 14=and configure. 2008: 9Drops out of the top 10 this year. 2007: 12=Cost: Free PersAvailable: Edu ✔ Ent ✔
15. Evernote 5 12 Previous rankingsA family of products that helps you 2011: 17remember and act upon ideas, projects 2010: 23and experiences across all thecomputers, phones and tablets you 2009: 27use. 2008: - 2007: -Continues its rise in the list since itsfirst appearance in 2009. Pers ✔Cost: Free and premium service EduAvailable: Download client
16. Slideshare 4 13 Previous rankings 2011: 9A free online slide hosting servicewhere users can upload, view and 2010: 5share slidesets. 2009: 7Loses its position in the Top 10 after 3 2008: 20years. 2007: 31Cost: Free and premium service Pers ✔Available: Online Edu ✔ Ent
17. Prezi 7 14 Previous rankings 2011: 7 Web-based presentation software and storytelling tool for exploring and 2010: 12 sharing ideas on a virtual canvas. 2009: 28 2008: - After a brief spell in the top 10 tools, Prezi falls back slightly this year. 2007: - Cost: Free and premium versions Pers ✔ Available: Online Edu ✔ Ent
18. Blogger/Blogspot 3 15 Previous rankings 2011: 12An online service, owned by Google, 2010: 14that allows users to create personal or 2009: 14=multi-user blogs. 2008: 10Continues to maintain a steady position 2007: 9in the list.Cost: Free Pers ✔Available: Online Edu ✔
19. Google Reader 16 Previous rankings 2011: 16A web-based aggregator that reads 2010: 7RSS feeds online or offline. 2009: 4Continues to maintain its position as 2008: 3the most popular RSS reader on the 2007: 7=list. Pers ✔Cost: FreeAvailable: Online Ent
20. Google+/Hangouts 9 17 Previous rankings 2011: 26Last year’s highest ranked newcomer,Google’s social network continues its 2010: -climb up the chart this year. The video 2009: -Google Hangouts are proving 2008: -especially popular for hosting videoevents. 2007: - Pers ✔Cost: FreeAvailable: Online Edu ✔ Ent
21. Diigo 5 18 Previous rankings 2011: 13A social bookmarking, research, and 2010: 15knowledge sharing tool that lets youtake personal notes and highlight text 2009: 22=information on web pages. 2008: 35= 2007: 72=The highest ranked social bookmarkingtool on the list. Pers ✔Cost: Free Edu ✔Available: Online
22. Word  23 19 Previous rankings 2011: 42A word processing programme and part 2010: 60of the Microsoft Office suite. 2009: 36=Word has jumped back up the list 2008: 22again; creating quick and simple 2007: 10documents is sometimes all that isneeded.Cost: Commercial Pers ✔Available: Download Edu ✔ Ent ✔
23. Yammer  11 20 Previous rankings 2011: 31This private enterprise social 2010: 68networking platform continues to rise 2009: 71=up the list. Acquired by Microsoft in2012. 2008: - 2007: -This year moves into the Top 20.Cost: Free and premium versions Pers (✔)Available: Edu ✔ Ent ✔
24. EduGlogster  11 21 Previous rankingsSupports the creation and sharing of 2011: 10Glogs - interactive posters loaded with 2010: 25text, graphics, music, videos, etc. 2009: 55=Glogster EDU is a secure learningplatform for teachers and students. 2008: - 2007: -Despite losing its place in the top 10,Glogster is still a popular educational PersCost: FreeAvailable: Online Edu ✔ Ent
25. Edmodo 22 Previous rankings 2011: 22A free and secure social learning 2010: 46network for teachers, students and 2009: 88schools. 2008: -Appears to be stabilizing its position on 2007: -the list.Cost: Free PersAvailable: Edu ✔ Ent
26. LinkedIn 2 23 Previous rankings 2011: 21LinkedIn is the most popular business- 2010: 30oriented professional networking site. 2009: 38=It continues to maintain a steady 2008: 30position on the list. 2007: 31Cost: Free and premium versions Pers ✔Available: Online Ent ✔
27. 9 24 Previous rankingsA social media publishing platform 2011: 33where users curate content on their 2010: -favourite topics and share it as a visual 2009: -magazine. 2008: -This popular content curation service 2007: -continues its climb up the list.Cost: Free Pers ✔Available: online Edu ✔
28. TED Talks/Ed 5 25 Previous rankings 2011: 30 TED is a non-profit devoted to Ideas Worth Spreading - annual conferences, 2010: - the annual TED Prize and local TEDx 2009: - events. TED ED are” lessons worth 2008: - sharing”. 2007: - Another newcomer from 2011 that continues to rise up the chart. Pers ✔ Cost: Free Edu ✔ Available: Online Ent
29. Jing 8 26 Previous rankings 2011: 18A screencasting program that lets youcapture anything you see on your 2010: 17computer screen, as an image or short 2009: 20video, and share it instantly. 2008: 26=A small drop back on the list this year 2007: -Cost: Free Pers ✔Available: Download Edu ✔ Ent ✔
30. Gmail 7 27 Previous rankings 2011: 20Gmail is a free, webmail serviceprovided by Google. 2010: 31 2009: 21The most popular email service/client 2008: 14on the list. 2007: 7=Cost: Free Pers ✔Available: Online Edu (✔) Ent (✔)
31. Camtasia 28 Previous rankingsTool to record on-screen activity, edit 2011: 28and enhance your content, and share 2010: 27in high-quality to viewers anywhere. 2009: 26Continues to maintain a consistent 2008: 26=position on the list 2007: 50=Cost: Commercial PersAvailable: Download Edu ✔ Ent ✔
32. Audacity 29 Previous rankings 2011: 29Open source audio recording and 2010: 24editing program that lets you mix 2009: 9=sounds, record sounds and edit sounds 2008: 12 2007: 11Cost: FreeAvailable: Download Pers ✔ Edu ✔ Ent ✔
33. Wikispaces 7 30 Previous rankings 2011: 23A free wiki hosting platform providing 2010: 17community wiki spaces, visual page 2009: 29editing, and discussion areas. 2008: 19A small drop down the list this year. 2007: 15Cost: Free and premium versionsAvailable: Online Pers ✔ Edu ✔ Ent
34. Voicethread 6 31 Previous rankingsA web-based digital-storytelling 2011: 25application that allows users to sharetheir stories through test, audio, images 2010: 19or videos. 2009: 19 2008: 23A small decrease in position on thechart this year. 2007: -Cost: Free and premium versions PersAvailable: Online Edu ✔ Ent
35. Adobe Connect  27 32 Previous rankings 2011: 59Web conferencing software (formerlyMacromedia Breeze) powering secure 2010: 61=web meeting, elearning and webinar 2009: 41=events. 2008: 66=With a big climb up the list it is now the 2007: 72=highest ranked web conferencingsoftware on the list. PersCost: CommercialAvailable: Online Ent ✔
36. Google Sites  10 33 Previous rankings 2011: 43A free service from Google to create 2010: 39=and share web and wiki (editable) 2009: 71=pages. 2008: 59=The highest ranked web and wiki 2007: -software on the list. Pers ✔Cost: FreeAvailable: Online Edu ✔ Ent (✔)
37. iPad and Apps  10 34 Previous rankings 2011: 44Apple’s tablet and the huge range of 2010: -apps available for it make it a very 2009: -popular “learning” device.. 2008: -Cost: iPad – Commercial; Apps – vary 2007: -Available: iPad to purchase from Appleand other stores, Apps available from Pers ✔iTunes online store Edu ✔ Ent
38. Google Chrome  10 35 Previous rankings 2011: 45This free web browser is the most 2010: 44popular browser on the list. There are 2009: 55=now many plugins and extensionsavailable to extend its functionality. 2008: - 2007: -Google Chrome continues to move upthe list.Cost: Free Pers ✔Available: Online Ent
39. Pinterest 36 Previous rankings 2011: - The highest new entry on the 2012 list. 2010: - Pinterest is a virtual pinboard. It lets 2009: - you organize and share images you 2008: - find on the web. 2007: - Cost: Free Pers ✔ Available: Online Edu ✔ Ent
40. Articulate 9 37 Previous rankings E-Learning authoring software includes 2011: 46 Articulate Studio (Presenter, Engage and Quizmaker ‘09) as well as 2010: 43 Storyline. 2009: 24 Movement back up the list for Articulate 2008: 25 is due to the popular Storyline product 2007: 22= launched in 2012. Cost: Commercial Pers Available: Download Edu ✔ Ent ✔
41. Google Maps 38 Previous rankings 2011: 38A web-mapping service that lets you 2010: 58embed interactive maps into your 2009: 67website. 2008: 34Continues to be a popular tool on the 2007: 36=list.Cost: Free Pers ✔Available: Edu ✔ Ent ✔
42. Animoto  12 39 Previous rankings 2011: 27Lets you turn your photos, video clips, 2010: 28and music into videos to share with 2009: 31=everyone. 2008: -A decrease in position on the list from 2007: -the previous 3 years.Cost: Free and premium versions Pers ✔Available: Online Edu ✔
43. Tweetdeck 3 40 Previous rankingsA social media dashboard applicationfor management of Twitter and 2011: 37Facebook accounts. 2010: 37Purchased by Twitter in May 2011. the 2009: 43version in November 2011 dropped 2008: -support for LinkedIn, Google Buzz, 2007: -Foursquare and MySpace accounts,which may be the reason for a smalldrop down the list Pers ✔Cost: Free EduAvailable: Online/Download
44. Hootsuite  32 41 Previous rankings 2011: 73A social media management dashboard 2010: 74=that lets you manage and measure 2009: -your social networks. 2008: -A substantial increase in its position on 2007: -the list since the previous two years. Pers ✔Cost: Free and premium versionAvailable: Online/Download Ent
45. SnagIt 5 42 Previous rankings 2011: 47A screen capture program that lets you 2010: 58grab an image or video of what you see 2009: 55=on your computer screen, add effects,and share with anyone. 2008: - 2007: -Continues its climb up the list.Cost: Commercial Pers ✔Available: Download Edu ✔ Ent ✔
46. Adobe Captivate 5 43 Previous rankings 2011: 48Authoring software for rapidly creating 2010: 38and maintaining interactive eLearningcontent. 2009: 22=Maintains a consistent position on the 2008: 30=list. 2007: 17=Cost: Commercial PersAvailable: Download Edu ✔ Ent ✔
47. Livebinders  20 44 Previous rankings 2011: 64Lets you organize your digitalinformation into nice presentable 2010: 61containers - like 3-ring binders on your 2009: -shelf. 2008: -Big increase in position on this list for 2007: -Livebinders this year.Cost: Free Pers ✔Available: Online Edu ✔ Ent
48. Sharepoint  20 45 Previous rankingsA collaboration platform to make it 2011: 65easier for people to work together. 2010: 75=Sharepoint increases its position 2009: 50=substantially on the list this year as 2008: -enterprise collaboration becomes a key 2007: -theme.Cost: Commercial PersAvailable: Installed Edu (✔) Ent ✔
49. Mindmeister 6 46 Previous rankingsOnline mind mapping software that 2011: 52allows users to visualize their thinking. 2010: 73=Mindmeister is the most popular 2009: 55=mindmapping software on the list. 2008: 42= 2007: -Cost: CommercialAvailable: Online Pers ✔ Edu ✔ Ent
50. iTunes/iTunesU  19 47 Previous rankings iTunes is a digital media player that lets 2011: 66 you organize your music, movies, TV 2010: 51 shows, and more on your Mac or PC, then add it to your iPod or iPhone. 2009: 41= 2008: 28 iTunesU gives educators an easy way 2007: 26= to design complete courses with audio, video, and other content and distribute them through the iTunesU app. Pers ✔ Cost: Free Edu ✔ Available: Online/Download Ent
51. Delicious  24 48 Previous rankings 2011: 24Delicious continue to move down the 2010: 4list from its #1 position in 2008. 2009: 2However, it is still a popular social 2008: 1bookmarking site following its revamp 2007: 2after its sale by Yahoo.Cost: Free Pers ✔Available: Edu ✔ Ent

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