Thursday, March 14, 2013

Displaying Hyperlinks on Webpages and Word Docs

Instead of showing a link with the http address, the best way to show them is as the Display Name of the Site.

So instead of having the following on a site

You will have Slick Tech World Blog

When Adding a Hyperlink to a Site
1. Do not type the hyperlink or copy and paste it on your page. 
2. Choose link at the top menu bar
3. Paste the link in Link to Web address (To what URL should this link go?) 
4. Type in the text to display the name of the Website. 

When adding hyperlinks to a word document. 

Here are tips for changing the http addresses to Display names.

1.     Right Click on the link
2.     Select Hyperlink
3.     Select Edit Hyperlink
4.     Leave address link to alone. In Display – type the name of the site.  (You may need to go to the main page of the site to get the site name.)
5.     Click Save   

Saving and displaying a link that is a Google Doc. 

1. If you see a PDF – at the beginning of your search for documents (see below) – you will need to go to the Google Doc page to get the link.
File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Quick View
Gun Control. Lesson Plan. Student Objectives. • Use what they learned in the video to define gun rights and gun control. • Review the history of gun control ...

2. You need to go to Quick View , but do not copy the address from the display bar.  Instead ..
3.  Click view – top left side of page. Choose HTML - You will then see a message at the top of the page with the address.
Google automatically generates html versions of documents as we crawl the web.
4.  You will want to again want to do the following
1.     Right Click on the link
2.     Select Hyperlink
3.     Select Edit Hyperlink
4.     Leave address link to alone. In Display – type the name of the site.  (You may need to go to the main page of the site to get the site name.)
Click Save    

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