Wednesday, January 30, 2013

GADGETS Most Popular and What They Do

Here are some of the most popular gadgets and what they do.

Some of the most popular gadgets provided by Blogger are:

Labels  Lets your readers pick a category and see a list of posts from your blog with that category.
Popular posts Shows the most-frequently read posts from your blog 
Pages  Similar to Labels and the linked-list gadget, this one can show a list of either Pages from your blog or external sources, and it can also be used to make a menu bar for your blog
Blogroll Highlights other blogs that you follow
Picture   Shows a picture, of your choice, which can link to somewhere as well.
RSS  Displays the last few posts from an RSS feed - this can be any feed that you choose - not just your own one.
HTML/Javascript Lets you add code that came from a 3rd party, or that you wrote yourself, without having to edit your template.
Link List A general-purpose gadget for adding a list of web-sites and blog pages, either inside or outside your blog. 

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